"Smart" SCADA for Site and Data Management

SCADA, simply said, is electronic equipment that combines with machinery in a fashion that will monitor, supervise, or report its information back to you for decision making purposes. That information, data acquisition, can come to your computers and other smart devices. Besides this, the electronic equipment that is connected to the machinery can actually tell that machinery what to do - control it. In summary, the term SCADA actually stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.
ANY combination of systems, structures, or operational infrastructure you have, and desire to monitor or control, would benefit from some sort of SCADA design. The most important thing is to not be "SCADAfraid", fearful of all the different computerized monitoring and control systems. If you are don't worry, you're not alone. Unfamiliarity with SCADA is no reason to despair, because our help and training will show you that it is easier to learn and use than you think.
We at High Sights can provide you with any level of SCADA assistance and training, so that you can fully understand and monitor your systems. Please review the sampling of our projects and envision some automation equipment working for you.
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